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Where Did That Sock Come From?

Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off

As I prepared myself for work, I looked into my sock drawer to get a pair of black socks. I wasn’t sure if there was actually a pair there though, as my bag of laundry has grown quite large. As the drawer creeped open, I could see at least 4 distinct black socks. “Oh good”, [...]

After two interesting days in A Throbbing Heart Leads To A Sleepless Night and Another Awakening At 3am, I’d thought that I was pretty much through most of it. There were still a few coals of sadness left forming a slightly heavy feeling, but I knew that would soon pass. It’s usually in these situations [...]

As the opera production ended, we took some cast photos and went to the home of one of the cast for a cast party. As I don’t have a car, I went with one of the cast members. On the way, we had the interesting diversion of being lost for about 2 hours on a [...]

Another Awakening At 3am

Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off

I awoke to find myself in sort of a limbo. I seemed to be aware of myself being in several places at once. While I knew I was tossing and turning in my bed, I also seemed to be on stage performing in an opera, and talking with several other people in different time periods. [...]

As I sit here at 5am writing this, I have tossed and turned in bed for the past hour or so, unable to fall asleep. The event? That which we have all experienced – telling someone of the opposite sex you care about that you like them and not having things work out. As this [...]

Once again, I am astounded that something that has taken me years to realize has been summed up so concisely in a book. This is almost a follow up to my astonishment in Napolean Hill’s Keys To Success. On one hand, it’s almost a bit disappointing that such a unique discovery has already been made. [...]

In Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, he listed genuine interest as one of the most important aspects of a good relationship. I can’t agree more with that statement! In all of my interactions with people and my discussions with people who I think interacts well with other people, this concept has [...]

A recent surprise made me re-evaluate what my purpose for this website is. Around some time last week, a good deal of my pages dropped out of Google’s index. For the non-search engine optimization people, this means that my website is now receiving only a fraction of the traffic that it was before. Usually, when [...]

As a person dedicated to personal development and growth, I oftentimes notice things within myself that aren’t quite congruent with the person I’d like to be. It’s these times that offer the most opportunities for growth and change, which I’ll share with you now: As I ended a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, [...]

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