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In my previous article Some Thoughts About People From The Fare Inspection On VTA Lightrails, I’d mentioned some funny things people say when they were checked for their ticket. Today, I had that um… same opportunity to make something up because I didn’t have a ticket! So you may be wondering why I would not [...]

“You just don’t get it!” This is probably one of the most uttered statements during an argument. Having been on both sides of this statement, the most common response ironically is “I do get it!” and possibly “It’s you who don’t get it!” This is probably one of the strangest exchange of words ever said [...]

As I sit here on the train typing out an article, three fare inspectors walked onto the train and asked me to show my ticket. It’s about 8 o’clock at night, and there’s only 10 people on the whole train. The train itself is only about 2-3 feet by 30-40 feet, consisting of approximately 65 [...]

As a guy who has faced his fair share of rejections and successes in terms of dating, there are several observations I’d like to share about finding the right person to marry. With every success or “failure” in this area, something new and interesting comes up. Please be aware though that I am currently in [...]

Recently, in my Stanford decision analysis class, I figured out how much part of my life is worth – about $500 million! Follow these steps and figure out how much you think your life is worth! 1) We’ll start by assuming that you are diagnosed with some disease. So umm… you’re dying! Good news though! [...]

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