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To come up with good business ideas, we should first figure out what exactly a business is. From the article how the economy works, we can see that a business is just an extension of two people benefiting from each other by trading. Instead of just two people, it can be any number of people [...]

Why Make Money a Life Pursuit This is the last article in my get money series, which is a series about how and why you should pursue money. We’ll now talk about why making money a life pursuit is such a worthy goal. So, why should you try to make a lot of money? While [...]

In the course of human history, honor, courage, and responsibility have always been regarded as some of the greatest virtues humans beings aspire to have. Why exactly is integrity so worthwhile to have? Let’s say you are looking for a job. You received an offer from one of your potential employers with an offer you [...]

Easy To Control Your Thoughts? There are many articles on the law of attraction out there. The general idea is that the more you focus on one particular thing, the easier it is for that thing to manifest itself in reality. Well, that sounds pretty easy right? If all you need to do to get [...]

Start Saving Money Today! This is the third article in the get money series. In the last article, we talked about how your pile of money is shrinking just by keeping it around and not doing anything with it. It also gave some options for where to put it to keep it from shrinking. This [...]

The Passage of Time is Different for Everyone Have you ever heard the phrase “time flies while you’re having fun”? Do you wonder why older people say time flies while little kids can’t wait to grow up? Or what about those moments that “last for eternity”? This might seem like a mystery but it’s actually [...]

Need a Little More Time! At the end of the day, are there tasks that you wanted to get done but couldn’t get to? Do you find that you need a little more time to do what you want? This article will show you how you can get a couple more hours out of your [...]

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