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Those Strange Dogs

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On my way home from dinner today, I passed by a couple of dogs. As I was running (See Always Run), the dogs turned around on their leashes, and started barking and chasing me. Then, I passed by another dog, and the same thing happened. This triggered some memories in my mind where this has [...]

This has probably happened to everyone: There’s a big project to be completed by tomorrow, and it’s 11:00pm! What to do? What to do? You know you can’t finish it in an hour or two, but you’re not sure if you have the energy to stay awake for the whole night. Ah, coffee / red [...]

A Relationship Story Imagine a room with just two people in it. The room is completely empty, except for the two people, a tree, and a mouse in the corner. The two people, let’s call them Jack and Bob, are happily talking. Jack is talking to Bob about how big and tall the tree is, [...]

My Enemy

Filed Under Poetry | 3 Comments

In the depths he creeps Waiting, whispering Every time I laugh, he laughs Every time I cry, he cries Every time I think, he thinks Every time I sing, he sings When I have an idea, he has two more When I speak of friendship, he tells of honor When I summon my courage, he [...]

The Bright Spot In My Eyes

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As I sat in my chair during opera practice, there came a break where the conductor started working on the women’s parts. I happened to look up at the ceiling and saw a bright light. Similar to my experiences in The Circle Of Lights and Brightness And The Circle of Lights, I saw a nice [...]

In How To Pick A Good Stock, we talked about how to find a good company to invest in. Now, let’s talk about when would be a good time to sell your stock. The short answer would be practically never. There are many advantages to holding on to the stock for a long time. First, [...]

An Accident Waiting To Happen

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After I returned from my opera practice, I had an urge for some beef jerky. It’s one of my favorite snacks as it’s low in calories and high in protein. Plus, it just tastes good! I put on my shoes, and walked towards the small shopping area two blocks away. I find it particuarly nice [...]

Imagine two people walking up to you. One person has his arms open, ready for a hug. He greets you enthusiastically, with a huge smile on his face, “HEEYYY! OMG – JERRY!!!!” The other person walks by, looking down at the floor, with hands in pocket. When you greet him by name, he mumbles, “Hi” [...]

Today marks the first rehearsal of the opera Mlle Modiste in which I am performing. I’d previously sung in an opera Dido and Aeneas as a member of the choir and as part of a duet during the intermezzi (a break between the acts of an opera). However, that was a Santa Clara University production [...]

Walk around and ask some random people about stocks, and you’ll hear a lot of “I bought this stock at $5 and then sold it when it got to $10 and made $10,000!” or “I bought this stock at $5 and now it’s so low I don’t want to look at it”. These are people [...]

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