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Show Appreciation In Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, one of the most important qualities he mentioned in getting along with people is honest and sincere appreciation. This has proven to be quite true in reality for me, from both the giving and receiving end. I have noticed people’s eagerness to help [...]

Previously, I’ve written about overcoming procrastination by finding out what your long term goals are. However, that may be a long and involving process taking many years. There may be things that you’re unsure about, but requires doing right away. For example, if there is an assignment due tomorrow, you may feel like procrastinating, but [...]

“No! Pick all the vegetables!” my father told me firmly, “they are all nutritious!” “But that’s not what the teacher said!” I retorted, showing him my notes. “See? Here’s the list of vegetables that we talked about in class.” “Then she’s wrong. They’re all nutritious!” my father replied. Seeing the stern look on his face, [...]

In How To Keep A Healthy Relationship, we talked about how to back away from areas of incompatibility when seeking out more common ground. As long as the two people still have the original areas of compatibility, then their relationship can continue as it always has. However, what if one or both people are no [...]

A Story About Fear Some years ago, I went to an amusement park with my mother. At first, she was somewhat afraid of the roller coaster, but eventually relented in the name of adventure. As we boarded the roller coaster, I could see the tension in my mother’s body, undoubtedly caused by the adrenaline coursing [...]

The Road To Becoming A Manager Many managers start out in a technical position, especially in engineering fields. In the beginning, he starts out with no knowledge of what to do and depends on other people for advice, help, and motivation. Then, as he gathers experience, he begins to carry his share of the load. [...]

Here are some common situations I’ve encountered where you can really tell if you truly like your fellow human beings and believe that helping them is in your best interest. 1) You are working with a partner on a project. All day and night, you slaved away at it, working really hard. Meanwhile, your partner [...]

In The Key To A Healthy Relationship, we talked about how we should just focus on the areas that started the relationship in the first place. Those are the areas which form the basis of the areas of agreement between the two people in question. For example, if you met in a bar, then your [...]

A Relationship Story Imagine a room with just two people in it. The room is completely empty, except for the two people, a tree, and a mouse in the corner. The two people, let’s call them Jack and Bob, are happily talking. Jack is talking to Bob about how big and tall the tree is, [...]

In How To Pick A Good Stock, we talked about how to find a good company to invest in. Now, let’s talk about when would be a good time to sell your stock. The short answer would be practically never. There are many advantages to holding on to the stock for a long time. First, [...]

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